These are the character designs I worked on for TasteMakerz, a decentralized education guild. The project is backed by Animoca subsidiary, Forj, with a mission to drive true Web3 adoption. 

There are three characters that I was tasked to work on namely, Wabi-Sabi, the chef, Coach, the instructor, and Eureka, the gadgeteer. While two others I had to draw only the poses for marketing purposes namely, Cezar, the Bored Ape, and the Media Monster, a machine that talks using clips and images from it's data bank. These character were all used in the 1st season of TasteMakerz's campaign. 

Originally, Wabi was the only cat. Coach was designed as an owl while Eureka was intended to be human. Though to keep the characters cohesive as a whole, they were all redesigned as felines. 
Colour Comparisson 1
Colour Comparison 2
Colour Comparison 3
organic mech design that was supposed to appear at the last chapter
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